Several months ago one of my brilliant yoga instructors, Suzanne Newton, approached me about shooting some photos of her for an upcoming shoulderstand seminar she would be teaching in North Carolina. Naturally, I panicked.
I mean, Suzanne is fabulous, her mentor's image is plastered all over yoga books. Clearly she was mistaken and I was not up to the challenge. Months later, after I had rocked myself to sleep, mulled over things, done several test shoots and bitten my fingernails to the bone - Suzanne persisted and asked when might be a good time to shoot.
There was no getting out of it now. Why hadn't this just gone away, like all other over analyzed challenges I work myself into a tizzy over in life? The answer is, I don't know. But I am glad that it didn't, and that Suzanne stayed on me, because in the end we did a very simple natural light shoot in my "yoga room", which I thought turned out quite nicely :)
Thanks Suzanne!
Eka Pada Sarvangasana
Parsva Eka Pada Sarvangasana
Urdhva Baddha Konasana
Niralamba Saravangasana II
Parsva Sarvangasana
Parsva Sarvangasana
Parsva Padmasana
Parsva Karnapidasana
Parsva Halasana
Supta Konasana
The brilliant Suzanne Newton